She is also a pro with computers. She used to be obsessed with this website called StarFall. It’s an education site that my mom showed us. One day I got tired of sitting there with her and decided to see if she could do it herself. I moved the mouse to the left side of the keyboard (she’s a lefty) and asked her to try. After only a couple minutes of me showing her what to do with a few glitches here and there she got it. Within days she was able to work her way all around that website. This I think has helped her with recognizing her numbers and letters. She can manipulate Joe’s Ipad better than I can. She can figure out her game apps with ease. I know all of this doesn’t necessarily make her a genius in the world but it makes her a genius to me.
Last week she started swimming lessons. Joe signed her up for an evening class so I could join them after work. Day 1 she was a little apprehensive. She loves water but she wasn’t super comfortable in it. Fast forward to Day 5 when she was jumping into the teachers arms. She’s now confident in the pool and came a long way in only 5 days. She has another 4 days left in this session and Joe signed her up for more after that. Not only is she my brave little girl, she’s going to be a little swimming pro.
Every mother thinks their daughter is beautiful. I’m no exception. Zoey is the most gorgeous girl in the world to me. She’s a little blondie with bluish green eyes. I want her to feel beautiful inside and out always. I went through and still go through stages where I’m unhappy with my weight and/or looks and I don’t want her to have these struggles. I’m working hard right now to get down to an ideal weight for me (and stay there). I try my best not to talk about my weight in front of her and emphasize that exercise is important. I want her to feel confident and beautiful in her own skin in a way I never have.
I’m absolutely amazed by her. Not only do I want her to know it but I want her to be amazed by herself too. This mantra popped into my head while I was sitting with her that night. I said it out loud “I’m smart, I’m brave and I’m beautiful.” I had her repeat it and she smiled when she said it. I hope this saying will stick with us throughout the years to come. Zoey is all three of these things and I want her to know and feel it always.
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