Monday, December 3, 2012

My Personal Legend

“[Your personal legend] is what you have always wanted to accomplish.  Everyone, when they are young, knows what their personal legend that point in their lives, everything is clear and everything is possible.  They are not afraid to dream and to yearn for everything they would like to see happen to them in their lives.  But as time passes, a mysterious force begins to convince them that it will be impossible for them to realize their personal legend...whoever you are or whatever you do, when you really want something, it’s because that desire originated in the soul of the universe.  It’s your mission on earth....and when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”  --The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The last thirty days have led me back to my personal legend.  As I wrote in my car before work, on my lunch breaks and after the kids went to bed, I was realigning myself on the path from which I had strayed.  Those writing filled days helped build my confidence that telling this particular story and writing, was something I was supposed to be doing.  I was knocking that mysterious force to its knees.  Without my friend, AJ, who reminded me about National Novel Writing Month, I don’t doubt I would’ve arrived at this place yet.  I know I would’ve eventually, as I was already on my way, but I might’ve struggled a while longer before I got here. National Novel Writing Month was the kick start I needed.  

I began my journey back to my personal legend when I began writing this blog.  Combining the two things I felt I was put on this planet to do: write and be a mom. Writing was put on the back burner to mothering, well let me be honest, writing took the back burner to everything.  The excuse that held the most weight, of course, was being a working mommy without time to pursue anything beyond that.  I told myself there would be time later, when the kids were older, then I could get back on track and realize my dream.  Yet, there would always be something in my path, some force to hold me back, some measly excuse.  I discovered three things in the thirty days of November. One, that deadlines are highly motivating (self imposed deadlines, might be another story, though).  Two, that it’s possible to find time to pursue my mission on earth.  Three, I haven’t lost my creativity or drive to have my voice heard.  

There are other mothers out there that have been able to achieve success in the writing world.  While, I do not dare to dream of reaching the heights of J.K. Rowling of Harry Potter fame or Stephanie Meyer of Twilight fame, what they have been able to accomplish while raising kids is motivating and reassuring.  Of course, there are so many other mothers before them that were able to write and publish while raising children, but today it’s these two that are the most famous.  I see now from a personal standpoint, that If the drive to accomplish ones personal legend is strong enough, it truly is possible. I am my own proof of that.   

The real work on my young adult novel, has yet to begin.  I have several revisions ahead of me: scenes to expand, background to build upon, scenes to add and remove.  Joe is in the process of reading my precious 174 pages now.  He opted to print them out, saying he wanted to hold my book in his hands versus read it on the computer.  I watched as the pages rapidly spit themselves out of the printer.  I held the bulk of my 52,451 words in my hands and flipped through the pages, impressed with what I had achieved in just thirty days.  After Joe gives me his honest opinion (yes, he is my husband, but he will be honest) about the story, I will roll up my writing sleeves and dig into it myself.  A few drafts later, I hope to have a handful of other readers, beginning with my family then friends review it for me.  Then depending on the response, I will likely have more changes to make.  Finally, after I feel I have a solid piece of work, I will look into getting it published.  It’s so easy to self publish now, so that option is always there.  I can’t wait to get this story into the hands and minds of others to see what they think and get their opinion on how my words affected them.   

         The stories and the characters in my head have been quieted these past few years.  I didn’t stop listening to them, but sort of pushed them aside as I made, had and began raising two beautiful children.  My ideas and desires remained somewhat dormant, but did not disappear, as they shouldn’t.  Motherhood shouldn’t be a barricade to pursuing ones passions, but just a mere speed bump.  My creative juices are flowing again and in the midst of writing my young adult novel, Somewhere in Between an idea for an adult novel began taking shape in my imagination.  I will wait to tackle that idea in November 2013.  My goal has always been to be an author and I have taken longer to get there than I wanted, but I’m here now, willing to work on my craft.  This past November, I put in the hard work, made time and have emerged, as I had hoped, with a working novel in hand.  Now, come on Universe, conspire to help me make something happen with it!   


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